Whistleblower, Qui Tam, & False Claims Lawyers

False Claims Experts

At Sumner Law, we specialize in False Claims, Whistleblower, and Qui Tam actions, helping clients navigate the intricate legal landscape to expose fraudulent activities against the government. Whether you’re a healthcare professional aware of Medicare fraud, a government contractor witnessing overbilling, or an employee in another industry with knowledge of unlawful practices, our experienced attorneys are ready to guide you through every step of the process.

Qui Tam cases under the False Claims Act are intricate and require a deep understanding of both federal law and the nuances of whistleblower protections. Sumner Law has the expertise to manage these cases, from initial filings to litigation, ensuring that every aspect of your claim is meticulously handled. We collaborate with you to build a strong case, gathering evidence, coordinating with government agencies, and pursuing the maximum recovery possible.


Sumner Law has recovered millions of dollars for our Clients in the Whistleblower and Retaliation cases. Many state and federal statutes provide that an employer may not retaliate against an employee for having exercised their right to report certain types of fraud or other wrongdoing. The specific protection afforded to an employee as a “whistleblower” depends on the law or regulation that governs the wrongful conduct. 

Qui Tam

For the corporate client, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The Qui Tam attorneys at Sumner Law have extensive experience in responding to the kinds of government inquiries that usually precede a Whistleblower claim. By engaging outside counsel early on in any corporate investigation into alleged wrongdoing or employee misconduct, our attorneys will represent the Corporation during the investigation and have a better chance of preventing qui tam litigation altogether.

False Claims

Sumner Law has extensive experience in, and has collected millions of dollars for our Clients in False Claims Act Whistleblower cases. In 1863, the Federal Government created the False Claims Act (FCA) in order to combat defense contractor fraud against the federal government during the Civil War. The False Claims Act permits a whistleblower to file a lawsuit to expose the wrongdoing against the federal government. To incentivize whistleblowers to expose fraud against the federal government, whistleblowers are rewarded with a percentage of the settlement or judgment obtained against the wrongdoer.

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Choosing to blow the whistle on fraud is a significant and courageous decision. At Sumner Law, we honor that decision by providing unwavering legal support and dedicated representation. Our long-standing presence in Dallas, TX, and our commitment to justice make us the trusted choice for whistleblowers seeking to make a difference.

Contact us today for a confidential consultation and learn how Sumner Law can assist you in your False Claims, Whistleblower, or Qui Tam case. Your fight against fraud is our fight, and together, we can achieve justice.